integral health coaching

The integral health coach has a role of making the midfield among health professionals and understand the client as a whole.

“Problems do not go away. They must be worked through. Else, they remain forever a barrier to the growth and development of the spirit. ”

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Integral Health Coaching

The logic behind integral health

It is aligned with the fundamentals of integrative medicine .

General medicine today, treats the symptoms and not the cause. However, to “cure” one must find the root of the problem and treat the system as a whole. Our body, for example, is not the sum of separate organs, each having its own independent function. It is actually a dynamic ecosystem. So, instead of treating the symptoms, we need to treat the entire system. It is the same difference between an organic farmer and a plant farmer. The plant farmer uses pesticides, fertilizers, which eventually exploit the soil and disrupt the entire ecosystem; while the organic farmer understands the complexity of the ecosystem and takes care of the soil as a whole in order to maintain a healthy and sustainable soil for the future.

We are like these organic soil farmers, we focus on creating healthy soil so that diseases cannot arise. We don’t treat diseases, we treat the system by taking off the bad things and putting in the good things. The body has an extraordinary ability to regenerate, heal, renew itself, revitalize at any age. So integrative medicine is really about why and not about what .

Integral Health Coaching

What is the role of the integral health coach?

The role of an integral health coach is to guide the client to achieve health and life goals through step-by-step changes in diet and lifestyle. The process typically involves a 10-session program. The client learns about 4 pillars of integral health coaching: healthy eating (secondary nutrition); physical activity, mental and emotional health and consequently, healthy relationships (primary nutrition). The health coach works with the client to set goals and gradually incorporate improved primary and secondary nutrition into the client’s life.

Health coaching is totally customer-focused, working on where the client is and where he wants to go with his health and life. The health coach acts as a guide, helping the client gain control and take responsibility for his health.

Integral Health Coaching

First session: health history and goals setting

The health history is an initial consultation to know and determine if we want to work with each other. If we agree on working together a confidenciality contract is signed to establish a trusting relationship, but also to define the duties and responsability of each party.  The health history form includes questions about your lifestyle, health and nutrition. Through this form we want to understand what is your biggest concern regarding your health currently.

Together we set 3 goals that you would like to work on during the following coaching sessions and iniciate a joint, integrated action plan.


Examples of topics covered

Healthy eating

  • Wellness and Primary Foods
  • Balanced dish and secondary foods
  • Emotional hunger & Comfort food
  • Understanding concepts of Nutrition *
  • Vegan Cuisine
  • Visit to natural food stores and organic market (+ learning to read labels)
  • What is a detox, how to make a detox and what are the benefits
  • Superfoods
  • Gut Health

* This information is not a substitute for consulting a doctor or nutritionist. Always seek expert consultation for an assessment of your particular case.

Physical activity

Establishment of a sport routine that fits your profile, your schedule and the needs associated with your profession.

Mental and emotional health

  • Beliefs and habits
  • Healthy routines to improve Energy and Productivity
  • Techniques for dealing with destructive thoughts and emotions, tools for changing mental states
  • Ayurveda – Indian Medicine


Impact of physical, mental and emotional health on your relationships and how new healthy habits can influence and inspire people around you.

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Integral Health Coaching Plan

The method includes:
  • Each session lasts one hour.
  • Can be in person or online
  • One-off session on a particular topic
  • Quick-fix: 3 sessions
  • 10 sessions (recommandable)
  • A la carte: Make your own combination of services across the 3 pillars: Healthy eating, yoga and coaching

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Integral Health Coaching

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