Perhaps, more than anything else, yoga teaches you to remain still and calm under challenging circumstances.
Today’s world requires more aware, committed, and disciplined people to help all beings on the path to transformation and self-awareness.
What yoga can do for you
Yoga is a practical philosophy of life where the experience and learning on the mat is reflected in our actions and relationships, resulting in a harmonious and happy environment.
- Yoga is a state of love, joy and peace.
- Yoga is to realize the inner barriers that prevent you from accessing this love.
- Yoga is transcending consciousness for personal transformation.
- Yoga is freedom; and freedom is a state of mind.
- Yoga is a set of tools that lead you to this freedom.
The world is increasingly challenging. Life is not getting easier, the material side has improved, the emotional side has worsened. One must find calm in the turbulences of life.
I found myself in Yoga, it was a true school of life. Every day is a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual training. Each day you learn something new about yourself, because just as you react to the difficulties encountered during your practice, the same way you behave in your life in general.
So the more you train on the mat how to deal with the limitations of your own body, mind and emotional, the more you are ready to face life’s difficulties with strength, courage and determination.
The most important yoga | OHMME | Simon Borg-Olivier
I wanted to share this sensational video, which impacted me, for the way Simon Borg-Olivier masters the physical discipline of yoga and live its philosophy. A true performance.
Physical, mental and spiritual benefits through continuous practice.
Great benefits for an integral health
Mind and body are not separate entities. We tend to think and act as if they were. The gross form of the mind is the body, and the subtle form of the body is the mind. Asana practice (the postures) integrates and harmonizes the two. Both body and mind accumulate blockages and tensions. Every mental block has a physical correspondent, a muscle strain, and vice versa. The goal of Asanas is to relax these blockages. Asanas relieve mental tensions by dealing with them on the physical level, acting somato-psychically, that is, from body to mind. The result is the release of stagnant energy as well as vitality and strength to the body; The mind becomes clear, creative, youthful and balanced.
benefits of each asana group
Balance Postures
Balance postures help develop concentration and help us focus our energy on the goals we set for our lives. They also work our physical and emotional balance. It may be that when you are emotionally agitated or shaken, it is difficult to perform. But if you persist, it will restore the lost balance.
Lateral Flexion Postures
Lateral flexions help keep your spine healthy by stretching the muscles that connect one vertebra to another. In addition, they reduce adiposity in the waist region and stimulate the liver, spleen and pancreas. Emotionally, this category of exercise teaches us to be more flexible in our viewpoints, to have more resilience.
Forward Bending Postures
By flexing your spine forward you are stretching all the muscles of your back and the posterior part of your legs. Many back problems and poor posture originate from the chronic tensions of these muscles and are avoided when we regularly practice these flexions. We also stimulate all organs of the digestive and excretory system by fighting digestive problems and constipation. These exercises also develop our ability to surrender, relax, and surrender to the natural flow of life with the humility we only know when we are able to bend our spine in the face of greater wisdom.
Extension Postures / Retroflexions
The extension postures stretch the muscles of the abdomen, chest and neck. The adrenal glands and thyroid glands are stimulated to help balance the endocrine system. They increase self-esteem and self-confidence.
Inversion Postures
Inversion postures offer us a benefit not found in any other kind of practice. When we are in this position, blood flows more easily to the head, feeding our neurons and activating all brain functions: reasoning, memory, concentration and creativity. The circulation in the legs decreases, avoiding varicose veins and tiredness so common in this area. In addition, we are reversing the action of the force of gravity that constantly pulls down our tissues and organs.
When we perform the inversions, we are repositioning the organs and giving the muscles that support them a rest. We activate the pineal which is the main gland of the endocrine system and coordinates the function of all the others. These exercises allow us to see the world from another angle and it is common for very mentally rigid people or very controlling people to be afraid to perform them.
Twist Postures
Twisting postures promote a great sense of well-being and make us more willing. When we perform these postures, we stimulate the nerves that pass through the spinal cord. Thus, the conduction of nerve impulses increases and we feel revitalized. The nervous system benefits and we also reduce the fat that accumulates in the abdomen. You will find that this movement greatly relieves the tension in the back muscles and especially the neck. Yoga masters said that those who practice twists regularly would slow aging. Psychologically, twisting exercises teach us to look sideways, in other directions rather than stubbornly on a path or idea that gets us nowhere.
As you lie on your back, spreading your legs and arms with your palms facing upwards, you will feel energized and in a good mood after a few minutes in this position.
Strength - Focus - Balance - Flexibility - Lightness
Yoga Plans
Plan II
Individual Plan
1x per week – 2x per week – 3x per week
- Vinyasa – All levels
- Power yoga
- Core Abdominal Training (Inversion Preparation)
The method includes:
- Preliminary anamnesis
- Theory on the benefits of yoga or other specific yoga theme
- Customized and evolutionary classes
- Sharing of powerful and practical tools for your daily life
- Exchanges about your experience
- Nutrition and Integral Health Tips
- Monthly Assessment
Plan III
Plans for couples
1x per week – 2x per week – 3x per week
- Vinyasa – All levels
- Power yoga
- Core Abdominal Training (Inversion Preparation)
The method includes:
- Preliminary anamnesis
- Theory on the benefits of yoga or other specific yoga theme
- Customized and evolutionary classes
- Sharing of powerful and practical tools for your daily life
- Exchanges about your experience
- Nutrition and Integral Health Tips
- Monthly Assessment
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